Saturday, November 28, 1998

Possible Christmas picture for cards - taken 11/15/98

Dear Steven, Grandy, Pappy, Grandmother, and Granddaddy,

By the time this letter is delivered, you will be back in LA, Steven, but right now we are enjoying your visit home. In fact, we have a fairly typical Thanksgiving weekend scene here. Steven and Michael are asleep in front of a ballgame in the living room. David is playing at a friend's house for the afternoon, and Steve has gone to run a few errands. If there were room for him in the living room, he probably would be with the boys, but they take up a lot of space!

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving. David had Wednesday off, so he helped me cook the pies although he ran out of energy when I suggested that he could help me clean house, too. Michael had a practice wrestling meet on Wednesday afternoon, and we picked him up at 5:30, and then our family went to eat Chinese food with the Armstrong family. Steven's plane arrived in San Jose at 9:50 p.m., but we were 30 minutes late picking him up because we sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic from the turnoff all the way to the terminal. Fortunately we had our cell phone and had asked Steven to call us when he got off the plane, so he knew what was going on. It took us a full 45 minutes to go those last couple of miles. Now we are dreading the drive on Sunday. We will have to leave really early. Steven said that LAX was a real zoo, but he made his flight just fine.

Scout meeting at our house on David's Birthday

Steven went out for a short time Wednesday night to see friends. We all slept well that night and awoke to the smell of the turkey. David helped me make the dressing, and he, Steve, and I finished the preparations in time for a 1:00 dinner. Steven and Michael slept most of the morning. We went to the Kalisvaarts' house for dessert late that afternoon. Cathy's parents were there, and we had a nice visit with all of them.

Friday and this morning Michael had wrestling practice. He skipped the turkey trot (cross-country running/training for wrestling) on Thanksgiving morning, but he went to the other practices. Yesterday afternoon, he went out with a big group of friends and eventually went out to eat and then to see "Enemy of the State." He didn't get home until nearly midnight, but he had a good time. Steven talked on the phone with a lot of his friends to make various plans. He went to lunch with Laurel (his former director) and then to another friend's house before dinner. After dinner, he and Cecile went to a movie. Tonight, sixteen friends are going to see "Water Boy." He is enjoying all of the socializing. After he wakes up from his nap, we will address his Eagle Court of Honor invitations. That is our big project for the weekend.

Everyone except Michael has been sick this past week. David caught the first cold, which was particularly nasty and caused him to miss two and a half days of school. He managed to get caught up on his work (except for one spelling test) before the holidays, thank goodness. Steven came home with a cold, but it doesn't seem to be a very bad one. I hope it doesn't get any worse, though, because he goes back to prepare for finals. Steve and I got our colds at the beginning of this week, and they hit us pretty hard. Fortunately we have been able to get good nights' sleep, and that helps tremendously. I am feeling much better today, and Steve is one day behind me, so I think we will be fine by the end of the weekend. Steve leaves for England on Monday for several days, so I hope he will be well by then.

Michael is attending the San Jose Symphony tonight with the scouts. He is part of a color guard. All scouts in uniform get free admission to the symphony, which will play patriotic music. David did not feel very well when they took sign-ups, so he is not going.

Steve and I now are trying to get into gear for Christmas. It will be here very quickly, and we have a LOT to do.

Have a good week at school, Steven. I'm glad that we will see you again in less than three weeks. We will see everyone else shortly after!

Sunday Night--8:00 p.m.

We are waiting for your call now, Steven, to tell us that you are back at the dorm. When we got home from the airport, Steve looked up the flight information on the computer and found out that you sat on the ground for another hour after boarding. You should be back any time now. I hope the shuttle works well for you tonight.

I wanted to tell Grandmother and Granddaddy that Michael was asked to play the bugle for the opening ceremony at the symphony on Saturday. He played in front of the entire symphony and audience at the San Jose Civic Auditorium and did well. He said that he received many compliments from "random" people. (His scoutmaster confirms that.)

We are printing the Eagle Court of Honor invitations tonight. Steven and I were able to do all that we needed to do yesterday afternoon. Steve has done a very good job with the photograph.

Until later!


Another Possible Christmas Picture - 11/15/98