Saturday, December 12, 1998


Dear Steven, Grandmother, Granddaddy, Grandy, and Pappy,

We're half way through December now, and this is the weekend that we are pushing to finish our shopping. Steve put up the outside lights last weekend and has been making the address corrections on the computer. We bought our tree last Sunday, and I decorated it and the inside of the house during the week. The Christmas card is almost ready to print, so I think we're doing pretty well.

I got the invitations to Steven's Eagle Court of Honor in the mail on Monday, and we have been getting responses all week. The next order of business for that is to finish planning the reception. We will plan and print the program when Steven comes home. It is a lot to be doing at this time of year, but it just makes me be more organized.

Steve was home this past week, but he goes to Tucson tomorrow until Thursday morning. When he returns on Thursday, he immediately drives to work where he has to make a presentation to his boss' boss. His boss told him that this would be a good time to justify his ranking on the salary curve, so the pressure is on. Steve is feeling a lot of stress trying to get everything done that he needs to do before Christmas vacation.

Besides working on Christmas stuff, I went shopping for myself last week and bought some new outfits for substitute teaching. I figure I spent all of my birthday and Christmas money, and now Steve doesn't have to buy me anything to put under the tree. I also went hiking with Linda and Lisa on Thursday and taught on Friday. Next week I teach science for two days.

David finished his wrestling season on Thursday with the final alternates/junior varsity tournament. He wrestled twice and was pinned both times, but he was thrilled to be wrestling. His coach told me that he hopes David will continue wrestling because he shows a lot of promise and will be a strong wrestler if he continues. Michael wrestled on the junior varsity team at a tournament on Friday. He wrestled only once and was pinned in the final round, but he was proud to be chosen to go because he is fifth-ranked in his weight category as a freshman. His captains have been highly complimentary.

The boys had a Court of Honor at scouts Monday night. David officially received his Tenderfoot, and Michael was elected to be Assistant Senior Patrol Leader again. He served as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leader during the last term and as the interim Senior Patrol Leader for the last few weeks when the previous Senior Patrol Leader turned eighteen. Anyway, he has a position of honor as well as responsibility.

Both boys enjoyed the trip last weekend to Sacramento but were very tired when they returned at 9:15 last Sunday night. Fortunately David had a day off from school and slept in the next morning. Their hikes turned out to be about twice as long as they thought they would be. The weather was cold and damp, but that didn't seem to be a big problem. The boys were prepared.

Monday Morning

I didn't finish this letter, and now Steve is gone, so you don't get a picture this week. Michael thinks it is time for me to learn how to do the pictures, but I am taking this business one step at a time.

We got a lot accomplished over the weekend. I am mailing packages today although we have two or three items still to purchase. I finished entering the address corrections on the computer so that Steve could print the labels. I plan to get the cards in the mail today, also, if possible. It is time for me to start baking, too.

The children's program at the church was really nice last night. We had a multicultural celebration, showing how Christians around the world celebrate Christmas. The kindergartners showed a celebration in Ethiopia, grades 1&2 showed China, 3&4 showed Sweden, and 5&6 showed Mexico. The junior highs and senior highs did a living nativity, and the three children's choirs each sang a couple of songs. Afterwards, there was a reception with foods representing each country, so everyone went home fed and happy.

Steven, good luck on your final exams. I'm glad that registration for next quarter went well and that you got all of your first choices for classes. I will be at the airport Thursday night to pick you up. We are all excited that this time next week we will be on the airplane heading to Texas.

Next week I'll tell you all the news in person. See you soon!
