Saturday, February 6, 1999

Dear Steven, Grandy, Pappy, Grandmother, and Granddaddy,

Today is cool and rainy, and I think it is supposed to stay that way for a few days. I hope that will mean snow in the Sierras for our Yosemite trip. We are looking forward to going there next weekend for a week. Steven, I can't believe that you won't be with us. We'll miss you a lot.

The boys are just about well now although David took awhile to regain his strength and Michael is still coughing some. David had five tests to make up once he went back to school, but he has had a light homework load since then. Fortunately for Michael, he hasn't had any major assignments that were very time consuming.

David found out that he was drafted to the Cardinals in baseball. That is a majors team which is a step up from last year. He knows about half of the boys, but none of his really best friends is on his team. He had his first practice this morning and had a good time. He played mostly third base today and is hoping that he will get to play that position this year. He went to a dance at the junior high school last night and said that he danced with five girls--all slow dances because he says that he doesn't know how to dance fast!

Michael had a forfeit in his match this last week against Saratoga High School. Both the varsity and the junior varsity teams at Cupertino won first place for the season, so they will go on to league finals. Michael's match is on Friday night, so wish him luck.

Steve traveled to Washington, D.C. on Monday and returned on Tuesday. His trip went well. He has been busy since then trying to do everything he needs to do because he is not in the office much during February. Next week he will be in Los Angeles from Monday until Thursday, and then we will be in Yosemite from Saturday until Friday. I think he has another meeting the following week, but I'm not sure where.

I had a relatively quiet week. I worked at the church on Tuesday morning and went hiking for the first time this year on Thursday. I had dinner with a friend (Pam Coppel) on Tuesday night and lunch with another friend (Nancy Lang) on Wednesday. Last night Steve and I went to a council scout dinner where the 1998 Eagle scouts were honored. We took the two 8x10 pictures of you and your project, Steven, along with your project binder. Troop 407 had a table for display, and Ben and James were there with their stuff, too. David Smithson wasn't there, and we missed him. We saw James Gillette, though. During dinner, we saw a very nice multi-media presentation that featured each scout's picture and project. Carol Hellie was also honored with four other adults with a silver beaver award. About 400 people were there, and troop 407 had about 35 people in attendance. I'm sorry you weren't able to attend, Steven. It was a very nice celebration.

Steve and both boys have had haircuts today. More of Michael's furniture was delivered yesterday--two hutches that sit on top of his desk--so Michael is working on moving back into his room now. David can't wait for his turn to unload boxes, but he is waiting for Michael to empty a couple of drawers that David will use in his room.

Tomorrow is Boy Scout Sunday and the annual pancake breakfast. Both Michael and David are helping with the church services as well as the breakfast. Steve is in charge of communion tomorrow and then is a presenter of the 1999 budget at the congregational dinner tomorrow night. I will help out wherever they need me.

Steven, I hope you were able to do well on your papers and tests this past week. I know it was a hard week for you, and I hope you fared well. Next weekend is when you meet Laurel and the Lynbrook drama group at the Thespian conference at Disneyland. That should be fun. I hope this next week will offer a little relief from work for you. It looks like your weather is a little warmer now, but I have wondered if you are getting any of this rain. We are looking forward to talking to you tomorrow and finding out about your Super Bowl party last weekend.

We have been wondering about Doris and hope she has recovered from her cataract surgery and is seeing a difference now.

Everyone have a good week.


Michael wrestling in maroon pants and gray top. Unfortunately the pictures really are out of focus.
